Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tired, But So Happy

Today while Woo was at work, Mom, Jin and I went out to the Mesa Marketplace Swap Meet and spent a good part of the day walking around and enjoying the really great weather. When Woo got home this evening he, Jin and I met Shannon and Kiernan for a sushi and sashimi dinner while Mom got caught up on some much needed rest. When we got home from that, Jin watched a little Saturday Night Live with me. :)
Today was a good day. A long one, but a good one. I'm operating on only a couple of hours of sleep, but still I can't help but just be thankful for how amazing and different my life is with Jin in it. Every moment is beautiful, even the tired ones in the middle of the night as I stand, rocking and bouncing my sweet son back to sleep. It'll be really hard going back to work next week but I'm thankful that Jin's Daddy is so hands-on and the most amazing father I know. I'm thankful to know that Jin will never want for anything in life, and will be raised in a household filled with so much love.

Here's what I found on my couch when I got out of the shower 15 minutes ago:
My sweet babies...this just pulls at my heartstrings. You can't see it but little Mushu was asleep on the floor right below them.

We're exhausted so it's off to bed for all of us. Hope you had as great a day as I did, and I hope you get some rest too. Good night friends!

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