Monday, March 12, 2012

Jin is Two Months Old!

I can't believe our little Jin hit the two month mark yesterday, because it really did fly by. What's even harder to believe, however, was seeing how much bigger he is than in his 1 month photos. I'm not sure I like how quickly this is all happening!

Here's a decent side by side comparison:
And in both shoots, he sneezed and fell over. Like Woo said, Sock Monkey 2, Jin 0...
Here's a few more of my favorites (with his diaper hanging out - oops, my fault):

His face in this one cracks me up.


  1. How precious are those?!?! :) I love the last one...they look like they're getting ready to break out in a dance. Perfectly choreographed together, of course. :)

  2. Haha, you're right! And a one and a two, and a kick, kick, kick and a three...
